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_ = require "underscore"

Use this as a mixin for classes that have words to name / translate. See lin's Ensemble as an example of what the @words object must be like. For a more varied example of words / localization data, see there's care.

Suppose an attribute of "name" - quite usual, often the only (necessary). Thus expect that @words.expect is ['name'], while the actual words data must be in conformance with each @words.data[id][attribute][language] set to a ["Hermes Name", "Modern Name"] array.

Hermes Name is the Hellenistic Astrology (System of Hermes) name. If the Hermes Name is true, rather than a string, it means that the Modern Name is equivalent to the original Greek word. If it's null (with other languages), then it hasn't been revised, meaning it's possibly sub-optimal for Hellenistic Astrology use. A value of false means it's deemed unfit for Hellenistic Astrology.

In order to be @translatable a collection needs to have its initial data set up. Look at lin's Ensemble - more pecifically how @planets.the and @planets.attributes.use are expected in addition to @words. There can be more than one initialization objects, but a single @words data set for translation - basically the collection as a whole.

Example usage within the constructor / initialize:

_.extend @, polyglot.ensure
@translatable() is true
module.exports = {


    translatable: (inits) ->

English words must be present (at least), but also many other things... It's kind of pointless to check for it all. Perhaps a try / catch - as another way to return false. Another idea: check if anything is to be pushed and have that determine the return value.

      if @words? and not _.isEmpty inits

Expected instance variables will get defaults if not already set.

        @school ?= "h"
        @language ?= "en"

Will this work on the client-side?

        _.extend @, module.exports.methods

Initialize the translatable data.

        for init in inits

The same translatable attributes must be used across the collection. This isn't immediately obvious, looking at a single init hash.

          for i in [0 .. @words.expect.length - 1]
            expected = @words.expect[i] # the translated key
            filledIn = @words.filler[i] # default, if no translation is present
            sequence = init.the[0].length + i

            init.attributes.use[expected] = sequence

If each row's expected item is not in words.data[{key}][{expect}] add a default using words.filler data from a corresponding array position.

            for row in init.the
              identifier = row[init.attributes.use[init.attributes.key]]
              substitute = row[init.attributes.use[filledIn]] # filled-in value
              @words.data[identifier] ?= {}
              unless @words.data[identifier][expected]?

console.log "not found: key '#{identifier}' for '#{expected}'" console.log "using: #{substitute}"

                addition = en: [ false, substitute ]
                @words.data[identifier][expected] = addition

It's important to call @translation with sorted keys, or else the @words.data order must match that of init.the.

          i = 0
          for attributes in _.values @translation @language # and further...
               , @school
               , _.pluck(init.the, init.attributes.use[init.attributes.key])

Add each attribute (without "key_id", which usually is the "id").

            for attribute, word of attributes
              continue if attribute is "key_id"
              init.the[i].push word

      else false

The following are mixed in through an if @translatable() call / (check).


    translation: ( language
                 , school
                 , keys = []
                 , select = @words.expect
                 ) ->

      switch @school
        when "h" then position = 0 # hermes (hellenistic hindsight)
        when "m" then position = 1 # modern
        else throw "Unknown '#{@school}' position."

      if _.isEmpty keys then keys = _.keys @words.data

Sorted according to keys order (intersection does), so @words.data can be in any order.

        keys = _.intersection keys, _.keys @words.data

The i is immediately incremented for out[i] use.

      out = []; i = -1
      for key in keys
        out[++i] = { "key_id": key }
        for word in select

The English language is used / mixed in for untranslated or partially translated stuff.

          stuff = @words.data[key][word][@language] ? @words.data[key][word]['en']
          if position is 0
            value = stuff[position]
            if _.isString value then out[i][word] = value
              switch value

The modern version is true, meaning it never deviated from its Hellenistic roots. Or, in the case of null - it's unknown if it will have to be translated. Modern is assumed to be ok for the time being. TODO: null doesn't seem to be picking the data (undefined)!

                when true || null then out[i][word] = stuff[1]

The modern version is unacceptable (what false means). English default is always available (at least as modern).

                when false
                  out[i][word] = @words.data[key][word]['en'][position]

The English fallback position 0, could be made more elegant. Probably this whole translation should be refactored, extracting a tranlateWord function to get in a language or else call it again for English.

                  unless _.isString out[i][word]
                    out[i][word] = @words.data[key][word]['en'][1]

Assuming that every translated language has the modern vocabulary.

          else out[i][word] = stuff[position]


Use an optional array of select attributes for partial translation.

    translate: (language = @language, school = @school, select) ->

The current implementation doesn't force-reload the same language / school (pointless as the data is part of the code).

      if @language isnt language or @school isnt school
        @school = school
        @language = language

        for attributes in @translation @language
                                          , @school
                                          , @pluck('id')
                                          , select

          key = attributes.key_id
          delete attributes.key_id

Note that "get" is the default method for the @words.data key.

          @[@words.model || 'get'](key).set attributes

      @ # chainable
