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Backbone = require 'backbone-rel'
Ensemble = require './ensemble'
Zodiac   = require './zodiac'

Celestial sphere stuff unsure if the @level (regular vs 12th part) is in the representation or point ... probably point.rep vs point._12 is enough for addressing @level

class Point extends Backbone.RelationalModel

  initialize: ->

Builder class of the Cosmos, once created by the Demiurge

class Cosmos

The dispositors from PI to AQ as Zodiac initializes its representations. Expected to vary at a later time, therefore the data is passed in from here. The domicile and exaltation dispositors can be fully listed, while the trigon lords, decanic faces and monomoria can be significantly shortened if generated through various algorithms.

      [ "JU", "MA", "VE"
      , "ME", "MO", "SO"
      , "ME", "VE", "MA"
      , "JU", "SA", "SA"
      [ ["VE", 27], ["SO", 19], ["MO",  3]
      , ["NN",  3], ["JU", 15], [ null ]
      , ["ME", 15], ["SA", 21], [ null ]
      , ["SN",  3], ["MA", 28], [ null ]
      F: { C: "SA", D: "SO", N: "JU" }
      E: { C: "MA", D: "VE", N: "MO" }
      A: { C: "JU", D: "SA", N: "ME" }
      W: { C: "MO", D: "VE", N: "MA" }
        [ { VE: 12, JU:  4, ME: 3, MA: 9, SA: 2 }
        , { JU:  6, VE:  6, ME: 8, MA: 5, SA: 5 }
        , { VE:  8, ME:  6, JU: 8, SA: 5, MA: 3 }
        , { ME:  6, JU:  6, VE: 5, MA: 7, SA: 6 }
        , { MA:  7, VE:  6, ME: 6, JU: 7, SA: 4 }
        , { JU:  6, VE:  5, SA: 7, ME: 6, MA: 6 }
        , { ME:  7, VE: 10, JU: 4, MA: 7, SA: 2 }
        , { SA:  6, ME:  8, JU: 7, VE: 7, MA: 2 }
        , { MA:  7, VE:  4, ME: 8, JU: 5, SA: 6 }
        , { JU: 12, VE:  5, ME: 4, SA: 5, MA: 4 }
        , { ME:  7, JU:  7, VE: 8, SA: 4, MA: 4 }
        , { ME:  7, VE:  6, JU: 7, MA: 5, SA: 5 }
        [ { VE:  8, JU:  6, ME: 6, MA: 6, SA: 4 }
        , { JU:  6, VE:  8, ME: 7, MA: 5, SA: 4 }
        , { VE:  8, ME:  7, JU: 7, SA: 4, MA: 4 }
        , { ME:  7, JU:  6, VE: 7, MA: 6, SA: 4 }
        , { MA:  6, JU:  7, ME: 7, VE: 7, SA: 3 }
        , { SA:  6, ME:  7, VE: 6, JU: 6, MA: 5 }
        , { ME:  7, VE:  6, JU: 5, SA: 6, MA: 6 }
        , { SA:  6, VE:  5, JU: 8, ME: 5, MA: 6 }
        , { MA:  6, JU:  8, VE: 7, ME: 6, SA: 3 }
        , { JU:  8, VE:  6, ME: 5, SA: 6, MA: 5 }
        , { VE:  6, ME:  6, JU: 7, MA: 6, SA: 5 }
        , { SA:  6, ME:  6, VE: 8, JU: 5, MA: 5 }

TODO add:

    faces: null
    monomoria: null

What representation, face, portion each planet is dispositing is added-up here in case we need it for reverse lookup. TODO initialize with: _.union _.pluck(Ensemble.planets.the, 3), # ... _.pluck(Ensemble.dispositors.the, x)

  dispositing: {}

Helpers for initializing the attributes of @zodiac, @ensemble, etc.

    element: (idz) ->
      switch idz % 4
        when 0 then "W" # Water-like
        when 1 then "F" #  Fire-like
        when 2 then "E" # Earth-like
        when 3 then "A" #   Air-like
        else throw "Cannot determine element for representation number #{idz}."

TODO: do all attributes generation with the same function, as for example Zodiac and Ensemble dispositors logic gets mixed-up for doing reverse too? So far, having a separate dispositors module doesn't seem too justified...

  zodiacAttributes: ->
    zodiac = []

Collection data format for trigons is needed, hence trigon_lords, ready for nesting into representations.

    trigon_lords = {}
    for element, lords of @dispositors.trigons
      trigon_lords[element] = []
      for key, value of lords
        trigon_lords[element].push id: key, lord: value

    for i in [0..11]
      idz = if i is 0 then 12 else i
      zodiac.push {}

Reusable, attribute-generating helper calls.

      zodiac[i].element = @determine.element idz

Inline (for now) logic to generate disposited @zodiac attributes as well as @dispositing attributes for @ensemble.

      for dispositor, data of @dispositors
        switch dispositor
          when "domicile"
            value = data[i]
            reverse = idz
          when "exaltation"
            value = data[i][0]
            reverse = idz
          when "trigons"
            value = trigon_lords[@determine.element idz]
            reverse = null # what to do with it?
          when "confines"
            value = []
            for key, values of data
              n = 1; last = 0
              for lord, portions of values[i]
                idc = "#{key}-#{n++}"
                from = last + 1
                till = last + portions
                last = till
                  id: idc
                  scheme: key
                  portions: portions
                  lord: lord
                  from: from
                  till: till
            reverse = null # kind of similar unknown...
          else continue
        zodiac[i][dispositor] = value

The following @dispositing is yet to be finalized...

        if value isnt null and reverse isnt null
          @dispositing[value] ?= {} # initialize(d) from elsewhere?
          @dispositing[value][dispositor] = reverse


Note: the preferences would eventually come from a real School + User (more models / collections to do). Also, for some reason polyglot doesn't like doublely-undefined language, which is not a problem, because Cosmos will know its preferences.

  constructor: (@language = "en", @school) ->
    @zodiac = new Zodiac null, @, @zodiacAttributes()

TODO: @dispositing attributes to instantiate Ensemble with. The ids are probably also needed, because @ensemble will contain more than just dispositors...

    @ensemble = new Ensemble null, @

(re?)-does Demiurge's work

  recreate: ->

makes a point that points to an item from the ensemble

  point: (ephemeris_id) ->

module.exports = Cosmos