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ut    = require('upon').ut
merge = require('deepmerge')

Fills in the input with convenient niceties / default settings.

module.exports = (input, further) ->

Location of the ephemeris data, unless explicitly elsewhere.

  input.data ?= "node_modules/gravity/data"

Insist the data path be absolute - relative means relative to precious.

  unless input.data?.match /^\//
    input.data = "#{__dirname}/../#{input.data}"

Unless input.ut is set (unlikely), converts input.utc (optional) to it. No input.utc does now.

  input.ut = ut.c(input.utc) unless input.ut?

In case nothing specific is asked for. Get the planets - longitude and speed.

  input.stuff ?= [
      [0, 3]
      [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

No houses, unless both geo-coordinates and house system preference given.

  input.houses ?= false

Merge some further settings here last.

  input = merge input, further if further?
