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#!/usr/bin/env coffee

This is a convenience script. Use eden(1) for greater convenience.

It takes json in various ways and calls precious.py with it. Run precious -h json or man precious-json or visit precious-json(7) for format details. The latter (web documentation) is better. Anything less, perhaps even nothing, means the convenient defaults will be used.

complete   = require('complete')
convenient = require('../index').convenient
ephemeris  = require('../index').ephemeris
JSONStream = require('JSONStream')
json       = require('jsonify')
colors     = require('colors')
errs       = require('../lib/errs')
man        = require('../lib/man')

The precious commands do complete on tab.

  program: "precious"
    stream: {}
    object: {}
    file: {}
    help: {}

When something goes wrong, let's know what it is.

preciousError = (msg, err, code) ->
  console.log "\n#{msg}\n".red
  console.log errs.merge(err, 'precious').stack + '\n' if err?
  process.exit(code) if code?

This is the call. Not too efficient for the sake of easy cli defaults / convenience. For something better use precious as a module lib. A future implementation method will not spawn a process at all. This fetch however will probably stay as it is.

fetch = (what) ->
  stream = ephemeris convenient what, extra: re: {}
  stream.on 'error', (err) ->
    preciousError 'Precious ephemeris stream error event.', err, 1
  stream.pipe process.stdout

Processing of command-line args. Minimal on purpose. Does help with man pages for precious, precious-json.

args = process.argv.splice(2)
if args.length > 0 then switch args[0]

Stream pipe, unix style.

  when '-', 's', 'stream'

A good parser.

    parser = JSONStream.parse true
    process.stdin.pipe parser

    parser.on "error", (err) ->
      preciousError 'Bad JSON, parser error: ', err, 1

    parser.on "data", (data) ->
      data ?= {} # because empty objects parse to undefined data
      fetch data

The rest of the options are just for convenience / variety.

  when 'f', 'file'
    unless args[1]?
      preciousError 'Usage: precious -f <file>', null, 1
    require('fs').readFile "./#{args[1]}", "utf8", (err, data) ->
      if err
        preciousError 'Please double-check the file & path.', err, 1
      else fetch json.parse data

  when 'o', 'object'
    if args[1]? then fetch json.parse args[1]
      console.log '\nNo JSON provided, format instructions follow...'.red
      man "json.7", (err, text) ->
        console.log text + "Usage: precious -o '<json>'\n".red

  when '?', 'help'
    switch args[1]
      when "1" then man "precious.1"
      when "json" then man "json.7"
      else man "readme.7"

  else man "precious.1", (err, text) ->
    console.log text + "Usage confusion, see help above.\n".red

Another way to get help. It's common to type a command by itself and expect some usage info.

else man "precious.1"