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ut =    require("./ut")
_ =     require("underscore")
_.mixin require("underscore.string")
Geo     = require("geoutils").Geo
LatLon  = require("geoutils").LatLon

The Where & When on Earth

class Home

Ensure latitude & longitude are present.

  pinpoint: (where) ->
    if where instanceof String

TODO: should this assume a valid string?

      [@lat, @lon] = where.split ","
    else if where instanceof Object
      if where.lat? and where.lon?

TODO: convert to floats (if needed)

        @lat = where.lat # y
        @lon = where.lon # x

Python is ok with NaN (undefined = no good)

        @lat = NaN
        @lon = NaN

TODO: is this ok for NaNs?


TODO: error handling (process.exit)?

      console.log "Unexpected kind of where: #{where}"

Get the correct (historical) timezone.

  timezone: (at) ->

TODO: api.simpelgeo.com was going to have it...


A Home

  constructor: (where, moment) ->

Where at - the point (of geo-location on earth).

    @at = this.pinpoint(where)

Timezone depends on the historical daylight saving time at location.

    @tz = this.timezone(@at)

Time validation: ISO-8601 format / defaults

    if moment?
      unless ut.isoMatchFormat(moment)
        console.log "Invalid date-time format of: #{moment}"
      time = moment
      time = (new Date (new Date Date.now()).toUTCString()).toISOString()

    if _.endsWith(time, "Z")

Do nothing if utc already provided. To set the offset, will need to adjust the time as well.
time = time.replace /Z$/, @tz
TODO: do the math / correction if there is any use for it

    else if offset = ut.isoMatchOffset(time)

Offset is provided, verify it is correct.

      offset = offset.toString()
      unless offset is @tz

TODO: is it an error if they don't match?

        console.log "Correcting timezone from #{offset} to #{@tz}"
        time = time.replace offset, @tz

Local time (the usual) case ends with nothing - append tz offset.

      time += @tz

    @iso = time
    @time = new Date(time)
    @utc = @time.toISOString();
    @ut = ut.c(@utc)

TODO: fix the timezone!
TODO: test with non-local @tz (e.g. not +02:00 for Varna, BG)

Home module

module.exports = Home