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Whatever there is - claimed to be available through Ensemble, which it could have been a method of - i.e. what's the point of this module / export? A call for refactor?

Ensemble = require './ensemble'
ensemble = new Ensemble

In the future, this could be a Backbone Collection too. Keep it simple for now - hardcoded to (and sorted by) modern English names. Just something to easily have put on display.

module.exports = ->

  ensemble.comparator = (stuff) -> stuff.get('name')
  ensemble.translate('en', 'm').sort().index().map (item) ->
    sid = item['attributes']['sid']
    sid = if sid >= 10000 then sid - 10000 else sid

    { name: item['attributes']['name']
    , sid: sid
    , wid: item['attributes']['wid'] ? ''