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_        = require 'underscore'
Backbone = require 'backbone-rel'
degrees  = require('upon').degrees
polyglot = require('there').polyglot
nestCollection = require './nest-collection'

It would be better if we don't have to instantite all the 360 portions ... and setup dispositor relations for each!

class Portion extends Backbone.RelationalModel

Not sure if dispositors.coffee would be reintroduced... For now, the dispositors stuff scattered around. Perhaps later it should be extracted and mixed-in according to Cosmos preferences. The various dispositor-fetching methods return a model from Cosmos.ensemble.

class TrigonLords extends Backbone.Collection

  initialize: (@attributes, o) ->
    @representation = o.representation

  dispositor: (id) ->
    @representation.collection.cosmos.ensemble.get id

  day: ->
    @dispositor (@get('D').get 'lord')

  night: ->
    @dispositor (@get('N').get 'lord')

  cooperating: ->
    @dispositor (@get('C').get 'lord')

class Confines extends Backbone.Collection

  initialize: (@attributes, o) ->
    @representation = o.representation

EC is for Egyptian Confines, there are at least also PC for Ptolemy's.

    @scheme = o.scheme ? (_.first @attributes).scheme # the first scheme
    @schemes = _.unique _.pluck @attributes, 'scheme' # array of all the schemes

  dispositor: (id) ->
    @representation.collection.cosmos.ensemble.get id

Get the confines dispositors of several (all possible) schemes. Zodiac degrees array nicknamed zodeg. TODO: change it back to degrees after the missing attributed bug is fixed.

  variants: (zodeg, schemes = @schemes) ->

TODO: this reprtesentation-relative further-more portion -- should probably be improved with mod('30').top() - which looks better... mod is chainable degrees, instantiating new degrees after taking the modulo. TODO: furthermore, it is inappropriate to pass the representation number. Just the relative degrees are needed. The second parameter should come from @representation.get('idz') - which attribute is currently missing!

    portion = degrees.lon(zodeg[1], zodeg[0]).rep('top')[1]
    dispositors = {}
    results = @filter (bounds) ->
      _.include(schemes, bounds.get 'scheme') and
      bounds.get('from') <= portion and
      bounds.get('till') >= portion
    for item in results
      dispositors[item.attributes.scheme] = @dispositor item.attributes.lord

Get the confines dispositor of just one (preferred) scheme.

  followed: (degrees, scheme = @scheme) ->
    (@variants degrees, [ scheme ])[scheme]

Cosmic / canonical representation (is no longer called sign, nor image)

class Representation extends Backbone.RelationalModel

Dispositor getters - named as simple (i.e. short) as descriptively possible.

  domicile: ->
    @collection.cosmos.ensemble.get(@get "domicile")

  exaltation: ->

Signs without exaltation... An id of null got with getNone(). TODO: consider extending Ensemble.get.

    @collection.cosmos.ensemble.get(@get "exaltation") ? # or N/A (on next line)

TODO: each representation will have its 30 portions (nestedCollection) which will point to a dispositor for monomoria and confines. Decanic faces probably deserve their own (nested?) collection...

  initialize: (attributes) ->

The trigons attribute is tied to a @trigons nested collection.

    if attributes.trigons?
      @trigons = new TrigonLords (@get "trigons"), representation: @
      nestCollection @, 'trigons', @trigons

The confines attribute is tied to a @confines nested collection.

    if attributes.confines?
      @confines = new Confines (@get "confines"), representation: @
      nestCollection @, 'confines', @confines

The 12 representations (instances and their relations)

class Zodiac extends Backbone.Collection

  model: Representation

      [ [ 'PI' ] , [ 'AR' ] , [ 'TA' ]
      , [ 'GE' ] , [ 'CN' ] , [ 'LE' ]
      , [ 'VI' ] , [ 'LI' ] , [ 'SC' ]
      , [ 'SG' ] , [ 'CP' ] , [ 'AQ' ]
      key: "id"
        id: 0
        idz: 1 # through initialize
        name: null # polyglot's job

    expect: [ "name" ]
    filler: [ "id" ]
          en: [ "Ram", "Aries" ]
          el: [ true, "Κριός" ]
          bg: [ true, "Овен" ]
          en: [ "Bull", "Taurus" ]
          el: [ true, "Ταῦρος" ]
          bg: [ true, "Телец" ]
          en: [ "Twins", "Gemini" ]
          el: [ true, "Δίδυμοι" ]
          bg: [ true, "Близнаци" ]
          en: [ "Crab", "Cancer" ]
          el: [ true, "Καρκίνος" ]
          bg: [ true, "Рак" ]
          en: [ "Lion", "Leo" ]
          el: [ true, "Λέων" ]
          bg: [ true, "Лъв" ]
          en: [ "Virgin", "Virgo" ]
          el: [ true, "Παρθένος" ]
          bg: [ true, "Дева" ]
          en: [ "Balance", "Libra" ]
          el: [ true, "Ζυγός" ]
          bg: [ true, "Везни" ]
          en: [ "Scorpion", "Scoprio" ]
          el: [ true, "Σκορπίος" ]
          bg: [ true, "Скорпион" ]
          en: [ "Archer", "Sagittarius" ]
          el: [ true, "Τοξότης" ]
          bg: [ true, "Стрелец" ]
          en: [ "Goat-Horned", "Capricorn" ]
          el: [ true, "Ἀιγόκερως" ]
          bg: [ true, "Козирог" ]
          en: [ "Water-Pourer", "Aquarius" ]
          el: [ true, "Φ̔δροχόος" ]
          bg: [ true, "Водолей" ]
          en: [ "Fishes", "Pisces" ]
          el: [ true, "Ἰχθύες" ]
          bg: [ true, "Риби" ]

  all: [1..12]

Sometimes (only when testing?) Zodiac is instantiated without @cosmos. The @language & @school are optional - defaults set by @translatable ().

  initialize: (models, @cosmos, attributes) ->
    if @cosmos?
      @school   = @cosmos.school
      @language = @cosmos.language

    for i in [0..11]
      @zoidia.the[i].push if i is 0 then 12 else i

    _.extend @, polyglot.ensure
    unless @translatable [ @zoidia ] then throw "The zoidia can't be named!"

Note: this could be extracted to a helper for reuse when resetting. It only reorders the attributes.

    z = [] # zoidia
    for i in [0 .. @zoidia.the.length - 1]
      z.push {}
      for attribute, position of @zoidia.attributes.use
        z[i][attribute] = @zoidia.the[i][position]

Additional attributes are passed in by the Cosmos builder.

      _.extend z[i], attributes?[i]
    @reset z

    @ # chainable

Relies on the @models order not to change. In this sense, it's a kind of hack.

  id: (idz) ->
    @at if idz is 12 then 0 else idz

Question: wouldn't it be better to implement @ids ... and based on a filtered subset of the collection, pluck the 'name' of each?

  names: (which = @all) ->
    which = [which] unless _.isArray which

    names = []
    for idz in which
      names.push @id(idz).get 'name'

Take some or @all idz numbers + iterator function to filter them with. This is mostly for DRY @male & @female (odd / even) checks. Note if male & female become initialized to "gender" attribute, we could perhaps skip adding (the redundant) idz to @zoidia.attributes.use and instead _.pluck @zoidia.the, "idz".

  idzF: (idz = @all, iterator) ->
    idz = [idz] unless _.isArray idz

Kind-of sorts the collection by idz.

    _.intersection idz, _.filter (@pluck 'idz'), iterator

  female: (idz) ->
    @idzF idz, (z) -> z % 2 is 0

  male: (idz) ->
    @idzF idz, (z) -> z % 2 is 1

A combined report of all the possible confines, or else of specified schemes, given a list (i.e. array) of [representation, portion] arrays.

  confines: (list, schemes) ->
    results = []
    for c in list
      several = {}
      previous = undefined
      where = "#{c[0]},#{c[1]}"
      several[where] = {}
      for key, value of @id(c[0]).confines.variants [c[0], c[1]]
        name = value.attributes.name
        if name isnt previous
          several[where][name] = [key]
          several[where][name].push key
        previous = name
      results.push several

module.exports = Zodiac